Sunday, August 26, 2012
the midnight garden: Crown of Embers ARC prize pack!
Thursday, May 31, 2012
The Booby Trap by Anne Browning Walker
Friday, January 22, 2010

I think I like the "N" paper and snow flakes the best.

On a totally different subject, my creative writing friend has introduced me to a few new books that I really want to get, hopefully for my birthday! :) They are List Your Self, Awe-Manac, and my new find: The Write Brain. Have you seen these books? They are so fun. I could spend days reading and writing and being inspired by them. I absconded with the books and I've used a few of the prompts with my high school students to some degree of success. 1st period didn't like them so much, but how many people really feel up to creative writing at 7:30 in the morning? I love to write and I still find 7:30 to be a little much for the creative process to actually work.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
I don't know
On to happier topics: scrapbooking and projects. Yay! I worked on the houses and church more this weekend. I thought one house was going to be white with green shutters and a green polka-dot roof. As I painted, however, I changed my mind. I will keep the green shutters but I have decided to use polka-dot paper to cover the house and then I think I'll do a glitter roof. (You know I have to use glitter somewhere.) Then for the pink house, I was working with glitter and it wasn't turning out like I wanted. So I opened up my Stickles and used the pink Stickles to outline the windows and door. Ta-Da! Perfect. I love me some Stickles! I'll post the pictures this evening.
I did finish the church. I covered the base, eaves, and roof with snow stuff which I then liberally coated with white glitter. It turned out really cute, I think. My DH even liked it. I promise to post those pictures as soon as I get home from teaching. Speaking of...
Friday, January 15, 2010
Projects to Help Me Procrastinate! Yay!

I cut border out with my Cricut last night and I will add that to both houses for the "tile" work as the roof. Then I am going to cover the house with glitter and Ink Essential Glossy Accents. I'll take some pictures as I work this afternoon to show you. I did try embossing the border to see if it would give it enough shimmer, but it didn't. I like A LOT of glitter. I want it thick and shiny. I still relatively new to the embossing process so I might try again with a different embossing powder. Any ideas of a powder that will give a nice thick glossy look?
I'm not sure what I want to do as the next step for the church. I think I want to keep the tin roof, but I may put white or clear glitter all over the body of the church. Yes, I am addicted to glitter. You should have seen my wedding!
As I worked on my houses and church, I gave CJ (my chocolate lab) a bone to keep him occupied. He is still a puppy so he occasionally finds himself in the middle of mischief without even trying. The bone worked and kept him happy. I knew he enjoyed it when he came to find me with "scraps" on his cute little nose. He is sooo stinking cute!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Yummy Goodness and Not So Greatness

Monday, January 11, 2010
Mess, Mess Everywhere!
See the rack in the upper left hand corner? I should actually store things there rather than in random sacks, bags, and crates. I understand that; yet, it just hasn't happened. The wrack seems rather permanent and I'm not sure how much of this mess is taking up permanent residence in my house.
I understand I need professional help. If you have suggestions for treatment, let me know. :)